My Services
An initial evaluation and assessment is needed in order to determine baseline levels of function across the areas of difficulty identified at the time of referral for the individual. This is necessary in order to establish personalised goals for intervention.
The evaluation process starts with an initial phone consultation and a client history questionnaire. The formal assessment will be completed in person at the clinic, usually over one or two visits. The assessment with be comprised of various data collection tools including standardised and non-standardised tests, clinical observations and/or questionnaires which will be specifically selected for the individual based on the referral information.
Home and school observation visits may also be used when determined to be necessary to the assessment process.
Reports/ Consultation
An initial assessment report is recommended following a comprehensive evaluation to record and explain all findings and document the recommendations based on the evaluation outcomes.
Progress reports can be requested to document changes pre and post intervention for clients receiving therapeutic intervention sessions.
Consultation services include collaboration with teachers and other multi-disciplinary professionals providing services to the child, and
creating personalised intervention programs for home or school as needed to support a child's individual goals within their home or school environment and daily routines.
Therapeutic Intervention
Therapeutic intervention sessions are usually provided on a weekly basis but frequency is determined as needed.
Intervention is usually provided in the clinic but school or home sessions can be provided when required.
Paediatric occupational therapy sessions provide client-centred and evidence-based interventions. For younger children sessions are play-based. Therapeutic activities are specifically selected to support the individual's goals. Training and therapeutic practice for functional skills is also provided and functional adaptations can be recommended and provided in some cases.
A variety of intervention approaches may be utilised to support the individual in meeting their goals. These include Ayres' sensory integration, biomechanical, neuromotor, behavioural, and cognitive approaches.